![]() There are so many ways that these words can be received. You can take it personal {get defensive} Or, You can use these words to your benefit {take responsibility} The choice is yours. I can be hard to hear the truth or to accept what others perceive you are putting out into the world. I remember a few years back when I was in school, one of my classmates was very opinionated but there was this negative undertone to their words, body language and reactions. Let me tell you - It was eye opening. Within a few moments of introspection - a sobering realization of what I am putting out into the world surfaced. I have been through lots of changes lately and although most of them are by choice, it does not eliminate the uncertainty. It can be easy to get caught up in what I am doing and if things are not progressing as I desire, that feeling of failure can creep in. Coming from a place where I'm feeling inferior or insufficient on the inside is naturally going to be reflected on the outside. I do not want to feel unhappy and do not want to put unhappiness out into the world. I have a CHOICE. I CAN choose happiness. I CHOOSE HAPPINESS! > And you can too! No one really knows how you feel, more than you. However, providing the intention is in the right place, we can be provided information that we otherwise may not have known. In other words, sometimes we need someone to call us out on our sh*t! I have lived through my own unhappiness and have arrived at a place where my happiness comes from within so I can live and share from an authentic place of happiness. Life isn't always going to go exactly as planned. And sometimes, that is the best part! It can be helpful having some support and encouragement to decide what you do want, to identify what is working and whats not working and to begin putting your energy into loving yourself first. If you feel like there is more for you or life is not going the way you imagined, I invite you to reach out. Let's work together! Email me or, Start your registration Click here Peace and love Alexis XO
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AuthorCurrently living in Ontario, Canada with my boyfriend (Jon) and our two kitties (Air Jordan & Scottie Pip). Archives
June 2017