The intention and creation of the M.M.M Course is to share knowledge and equip individuals with tools and techniques to support their journey. I often think about how different life would be if I spent less time complaining, playing victim and feeling sorry for myself. While I do see the purpose growing through those situations, sometimes just knowing there are other options is all that's needed.
When we are out of balance it shows up in various (or all) areas of life and the body. Impacted can occur on a mental, emotional, physical or spiritual level. The body's systems are interconnected and work together.
The body provides information on the external, giving an idea of the internal state of our organs and their function. The past impacts the present which in turn can affect where we're going and what the future can look like.
What being out of balance can looks like
Busy & full mind Reliving the past Headaches & Migraines
Expectations Holding on too tight Low energy & Exhausted
Hair Face Nails Teeth Feet Hands Ears Skin Posture & Gait 5 senses
The body functions with the help of vitamins and minerals. They are essential to life and if they are imbalanced, will show signs and symptoms in various areas of the body.
Are ready to schedule your Discovery Call?
Course Overview & Options
1. Discovery Call {30 minute}
2. Initial Consult & Intake Forms - Forming the foundation of your course {2 hours}
3. Receive individualized Workbook & begin the M.M.M Course!
Bonus! Awareness Journal
*Please note: Course duration, Session length and Type of session are discussed and determined during the Initial Consult
Course duration - 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks Session length - 60 minutes or 90 minutes Type of session - Virtual video call or a phone call
I get it- You're searching and wondering "how much will this cost?"
Similar to the course Options, we will discuss investment during the Initial Consult.
I will promise that the investment you make on this course will serve you for years to come. As with my intention of this course, I want you to have the tools and techniques that can help you reach (or exceed) your dreams.
If you are truly ready to make the changes and invest your time and energy, the investment won't matter. I do offer a sliding scale and various options regarding the investment in the M.M.M Course.